Nostalgia 1989: Yamaha SY77 demo

I’ve lusted after the Yamaha SY77 ever since I was a kid, but could never afford one until recently. I just picked this one up on eBay. It’s beat up and a few things are broken, but for $300 it was a steal. I hadn’t thought about this instrument for years—and it’s weird finally being […]
Kawai K5 and Strymon TimeLine demo

You’ll never believe what we found sitting on the curb in our neighborhood a few months back. This fully operational Kawai K5 digital synth! A neighbor put a few keyboards on the curb and posted an ad to Craigslist. I guess the original owner got sick of additive synthesis. So we took the Kawai home […]
My Mobius Looper Setup

Some of y’all have asked me to put together a video about my live looping rig. So I finally did! I hope this answers some of your questions. This vid goes into the gear that I’m currently using, how things are routed, and a few Mobius Looper parameters. 🙂
Creative roadblock? Simplify. Add deadline. Then Fight!
When you’re inspired to create something, and there is some mental roadblock keeping you from executing on your inspiration, I’ve always found it’s helpful to simplify. Reduce the number of options to you. Force yourself to create something with just a handful of tools. Or just one tool. Just one color. One instrument. One theme. […]
Working on the new album.
I’ve realized my life travels on the path of a sine wave. I’m once again making my way out of the trough and heading up towards the crest. Finally knocking some musical ideas out of my head and carefully arranging them into ones and zeros. I’m incredibly excited about this album. These songs have come […]
On Top of a Hill – live looping improv / demo
Here’s a song that I’d consider, using music industry vernacular, a “demo”. I wanted to start out with a completely ridiculous sound and try to turn it into a song. This is the result. Maybe this will turn into an album track, I’m not sure yet. Hope you enjoy checking out this work in progress. […]
Live Looping Improv [Mobius looper, Strymon TimeLine delay]
Woke up this morning and had the urge to do some improvisation. Here’s a live looping improv that I just recorded. Beatboxing, distortion, and weird vocals. Everything was recorded live, nothing pre-recorded. Music gear nerds: There is a gear list below if you’re interested. 🙂 Using Circular Labs Mobius looping software on a Macbook Pro. […]
Sorry I Ruined Your Life [music video]
Here is the music video for my new song “Sorry I Ruined Your Life”. Working on a new album now! 🙂 buy  steal [mp3j track=”Sorry I Ruined Your Life@″ flip=”y”] This one was fun to put together. It started off as a simple video song in my studio. But the song is about destruction so […]
Strymon BigSky, TimeLine, and Mobius demo video songs
So as some of you may know, I’m the marketing guy over at Strymon, and I write and perform many of the audio clips for Strymon products, including writing the music for the BigSky, TimeLine, and Mobius demo videos. A bunch of people have asked me the names of these songs and if they can […]
Looping Tips and Techniques
I recently had the opportunity to contribute an article for Premier Guitar magazine. The topic? Something very dear to my heart—looping tips and techniques! “If you want to take your looping from four-bar bedroom jams to a performance environment, start thinking of your looper as an instrument, not an effect. Creating engaging loop performances can […]