Nostalgia 1989: Yamaha SY77 demo

I’ve lusted after the Yamaha SY77 ever since I was a kid, but could never afford one until recently. I just picked this one up on eBay. It’s beat up and a few things are broken, but for $300 it was a steal. I hadn’t thought about this instrument for years—and it’s weird finally being […]
Creative roadblock? Simplify. Add deadline. Then Fight!
When you’re inspired to create something, and there is some mental roadblock keeping you from executing on your inspiration, I’ve always found it’s helpful to simplify. Reduce the number of options to you. Force yourself to create something with just a handful of tools. Or just one tool. Just one color. One instrument. One theme. […]
On Top of a Hill – live looping improv / demo
Here’s a song that I’d consider, using music industry vernacular, a “demo”. I wanted to start out with a completely ridiculous sound and try to turn it into a song. This is the result. Maybe this will turn into an album track, I’m not sure yet. Hope you enjoy checking out this work in progress. […]
Strymon BigSky, TimeLine, and Mobius demo video songs
So as some of you may know, I’m the marketing guy over at Strymon, and I write and perform many of the audio clips for Strymon products, including writing the music for the BigSky, TimeLine, and Mobius demo videos. A bunch of people have asked me the names of these songs and if they can […]
Live looping – A Happy Future music video
Life had gotten a little crappy there for a bit. Really didn’t record any music in the last 8 months. Finally moved into a new place and have the studio set up again. A quick looping improv idea turned into a song. This is the second take. Everything performed and recorded live. 🙂 buy  steal […]