Edison the dog.
july 31, 2001 – march 27, 2010. dearest Edison, my best friend, my first canine companion, you were one extraordinary dog. you gave us so much happiness, i am honored to have been a part of your life. i know your spirit will watch over us. i can’t wait for the day that we get […]
Remix showcase
Over the last several months, y’all have created some really amazing remixes of my songs. I just wanted to showcase a few on youtube. I found some cool public domain footage and did a quick mashup. Check it out! This is Old remix – Sloan Fell Out of the Sky remix – Chris Fudurich Computer […]
Screwing around in the studio [live looping]
Just recorded a quick little live looping improvisation in my studio. No instruments, just voice and effects. All recorded live, nothing prerecorded or overdubbed after the fact. 🙂 If you’re looking for something to remix, feel free to grab the audio from this track (and other tracks of mine): https://stateshirt.wpengine.com/remix
OMD Souvenir cover song
Hey. I just finished recording a cover of “Souvenir” by OMD (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark). I’d consider this mix a “beta” mix, but it’s pretty close. Listen below: [mp3j track=”Souvenir@/audio/unreleased/stateshirt_souvenir.mp3″ flip=”y”] steal mp3 I haven’t created a music video for my cover version yet, but for the time being check out the original […]
Finish my song!
I started this song last week with hopes it would be the next SongFight winner! But I just can’t find the right way to finish this tune. I like that it’s mellow and relatively catchy but I just wasn’t really inspired to complete it. Maybe there’s something about it that you like? If so, please […]
song death.
I knew writing a song and creating a video every week in 2010 would be tough. The idea behind this was to get me back into writing and creating again. Which it has! Definitely! I haven’t slept much in the last two months. So after 8 songs and 8 videos, I’ve finally hit a wall […]
Please Stop!
Just put together a music video for my new song “Please Stop”. Everything was shot in los angeles. Please Stop – DOWNLOAD lyrics please stop believing that nature will care for you crawl up the river and embrace your solitude. heartbeat slows, your wounds won’t close? please stop believing that your friends can keep you […]
digging through the collab archives…
Ok. So this week got a little bit busy and I wasn’t able to complete a new song for my song-a-week challenge. But I’ll make up for it by posting TWO (count ’em, two) songs from the archives that haven’t ever really been officially “released”. Both of these are collaborations that I did with other […]
my dog likes to talk.
Let’s Get Bloody [live looping]
Song-a-week / video-a-week #5. “Let’s Get Bloody”. Recorded for the upcoming SongFight. This was recorded live, nothing prerecorded, nothing overdubbed after the fact… all live looping. Let’s Get Bloody – DOWNLOAD This was recorded live using two Gibson Echoplex Digital Pro’s, a Casio SK-8, Yamaha DX21, Line 6 DL4 and my voice. If you have […]