Music video shoot – day 2

So the second day of shooting has come to an end. We got some amazing shots and the actors were all outstanding. One more weekend of filming coming up, and then we’re off to editing! Here are some photos of the day:

This Is Old updates

OMG!!111 This Is Old is making it around thar interwebs. Eric R Danton of the Hartford Courant likes it ccMixter is running a call for remixes and samples. First remix is in! On iTunes now! Pensatos says some nice things I guess I’m a rock sellout mentioned the ccMixter remix thing. I need to […]

Remix me and I’ll remix you.

Download the audio source files from my new album and go crazy, have fun, make some remixes. Then post your remix and your own samples on ccMixter or send them to me and I’ll use your audio to create my next album! Call for Remixes Remix a song, post it on ccMixter, and let me […]

The new album is almost here!

Less than a week until This Is Old is released. Pre-order sales of the new album have been great, they’re really piling up. Thanks so much everyone! Attention valued listeners: If you ordered a CD, it will be sent out soon, I’m just waiting for the bumper stickers to arrive so I can send those […]

Pre-order This is Old!

The CDs are here, and the store is up and running! Official release date is November 11, but I’m offering it for pre-ordering early, starting now! Pay what you like (I’m asking $10). You get a nice CD with 6-panel artwork, and a link to download all of the .MP3s once the album is […]

Pre-ordering starts Thursday, October 23!

The last few months have been crazy. Been working like hell to finish the new album This is Old. Flew out to Massachusetts and had two friends (Matthew Larsen and Rebekah Dutkiewicz) contribute on a couple tracks. Spent some time shooting photos and working on the CD artwork. Got it mastered last month, and just […]

This is Old album artwork

This is Old artwork is at the CD manufacturer, now I’m just waiting for the discs to arrive! I can’t wait to get this out there, it’s been way too long since my last album. Here’s a little preview of the artwork.

New Album Updates

So there is a lot going on right now. Final mixes are off to Don C. Tyler for mastering. Looking forward to checking out his handiwork, since he has mastered a few albums that I love (Elliot Smith: XO, Figure 8, Hot Snakes Suicide Invoice). I know mastering is a subtle art, but if he […]

This Is Old coming 11.11.08

So the last few years have not been very kind to me musically. Life has been incredibly droning, wasting away in the San Fernando valley, doing the full time job and feeling fully beaten down. But I have found some precious spare moments to write and record. This Is Old is really about how I’m […]

New Album.

New State Shirt album will be titled This is Old. Release date will be chosen very soon. Working on obtaining amazing photography for the album artwork. Had a sick fucking dream last night, hoping I can scrounge up enough money to turn it into a music video. More soon.