Maybe the body contains two “souls”… your own, and that of a stranger who controls all of your involuntary functions… heartbeat, breathing, circulation, healing. And while you’re alive you both have no idea the other is there. And when you die, you finally get to meet this stranger that has worked with you to keep […]
Death dream
I was lying in bed next to Angela crying, and telling her how afraid I was to die. Then we ended up in something that looked like the deep ocean, and there were these fish-like spirits floating around, all swarming and fighting to get to this one tiny hole in the water, and I then […]
dream – april 1 2010
i was standing over Edison, carefully trimming his hair. I made very delicate and deliberate cuts to the fur, mainly around his back and sides. Then I moved to be right in front of him, noticed a few extra pieces of fur but didn’t cut them, and I looked at him and said “you look […]